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Politiske tekster og Gotisk S&M Cyperpunk rammer TRAIN!
Det islandske band Hatari kickstartede den gotiske S&M-fest, da det internationale Melodi Grand Prix løb af stablen i Israel i 2019.
Med sangen “Hatrið mun sigra,” der oversat betyder ”Had vil vinde”, skabte bandet gennem aggressivt pulserende synths, tunge beats og dansere i lak og læder en solid hype verden over.
Bandet er en unik sammensætning af æstetik, grafik og musik, som kommer til udtryk i deres komplette optrædener bestående af koreografi, visuals og en energisk tilstedeværelse.
Hatari er et politisk multimedieprojekt, der ønsker at vise skyggesiderne af det neoliberale samfund. Teksterne synges med lige dele længselsfuldhed og punket aggressivt. Der er en kobling mellem deres cyperpunkede BDSM-påklædning og deres apokalyptiske budskaber om forbrugersamfundets etik og moral.
Hatari fortæller:
“We cannot change things, but we can unveil the anomie of neoliberal society, the pointlessness of every minute spent in the futile race, and the low price for which man now sells himself ever more blatantly. We can scream at our own impotence, scream at our collective sleepwalk through routine, and implore our audience to unite, shoulder to shoulder, and dance.”
Bandet blev dannet I Reykjavík i 2015 af Klemens Hannigan og Matthías Tryggvi Haraldsson, hvor den maskerede trommeslager Einar Hrafn Stefánsson kort tid efter tilsluttede sig projektet.
Hyper-feminine snake-charmer ensemble and renowned Icelandic rap entrepreneurs CYBER are officially confirmed as the official support act for the long-awaited Europe Will Crumble Tour by award-winning Icelandic techno post-humans HATARI, an exclusive IMN source reveals. The tour will commence on January 26th with CYBER joining HATARI on stage in Oslo, Norway, following the release of their single CAPRISUN on the 24th of January.
“This could be the biggest news of the year and it’s only January. Cyber definitely changed the rap scene in Iceland, if not the world, when they released their track Aspen Barbie back in 2016, one of my all time favorites. Fusing post-ironic texture with their iconic aspen skiing office party aesthetic left its mark on the entire music scene,” says professor Claggan Ewan, Dean for Research of the department of Icelandic rap studies at the University of Iowa. “This is definitely a very exciting turn of events.”
CYBER started as an independent branch of the award-winning ultra-feminist rap collective Reykjavíkurdætur but soon evolved into its own corporate entity, a move that was cemented by the release of their 2018 album BIZNESS.